Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Over all Reflection. . . . . . . . .

With this blog I learned to show my feelings, to have an intellect understanding, to personalized my my creativity and to show every single thing of my personality. .This blog became my personal and socialized diary. .Blogging made me an appreciate person. .I thank blog spot for this wonderful and awesome blog that made me socialized with my feelings to others.



Floral decorations are in this season. .With the colors Yellow, Red and Pink. .You will be one of the luckiest person to have my very own made floral decorations. .This can lighten your room. .This adds up to the exquisiteness of your room.

Have a nice day ahead!

Certainly the Last. . . . .

This last activity is my favorite because it is very easy. .At first I already had fun. .But I did not followed the instructions, so I made a new one. . This is the most cool activity. .I did enjoy it. .I learned how to contrast different colors. .Now I can say that I successfully am a handicraft maker.


Butterfly handicraft are used to hang as designs or decorations. .With the use of my butterfly you can now decorate you room. .My butterfly is very unique with its blubbery body. .Its wings are well structured. .By this you can now invite your friends and show them your terrific room.

The next activity is making a butterfly.

This activity is very hard. .At first I cannot shape the butterflys wings. .So I asked the helped of my Tita in making one.

I actually hate this activity. .I cannot manage to do the butterlys body perfectly. .So my butterly looked like a bat. .At least in the end I still cope to made a fantastic and unique butterfly.


Welcome to My Selling Company

Picture Frame is the most illustrious handicraft in the world. .There are different kinds of designs that fashion our desires. .This frame that I am selling is just a simple one that fascinate your appeal in arts. This Frame is festooned with simple but elegant designs.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The activity is just so simple. .We just did a handicraft frame. .And each one of us should have a unique design.

While doing the activity I manage to show my creativity. .But I sadly my frame is very flimsy. .On the other hand I attain to have fun. .This activity made me realized that everything that you can accomplish is lucrative in any ways. .If you will just believe in yourself. .This is my reflection about the recent activity that we made.